Narożny regał miedziany COPPERNIK

1 270,14

A unique bookcase based on a structure made of copper pipes,

perfect for those who appreciate unique design and functionality.


Elementy usztywniające wykonane z mosiądzu.



  • Wytrzymała konstrukcja i lekka konstrukcja oparta na rurach miedzianych i mosiężnych elementach stabilizujących


  • Non-standard, natural materials and extraordinary form make the bookcase stand out from the majority of furniture available on the market.


  • Natural materials and the lack of decorations make the furniture fit into almost any interior style.


  • The bookcase will be perfect both alone and in a set with other elements of the "Coppernik" collection


  • Łatwy i szybki samodzielny montaż.




  • All Mr. Kracy is made by hand, on the basis of original projects and based on specially developed production technologies.


  • Due to the hand-made and the specificity of the materials in the process, the individual copies are slightly different, which makes each of them unique and exceptional.


  • Polish product.


  • Delivery time: 1-5 weeks




  • Depth: 65 cm
  • Width: 90 cm
  • Height: 225 cm
  • Głębokość półek: 30 cm




  • Copper: pipes with a diameter of 15 mm.
  • Wood: Cubic connectors made of durable beech wood.
  • Plywood: Shelves made of durable plywood 15 mm thick, impregnated with oil, emphasizing the natural pattern of the wood
  • brass: stiffening bars, bolts and washers



Thanks to the access to the instructions in the form of viedeo, the assembly of the furniture is extremely fast and easy.

A wrench for tightening the bolts is included in the kit.

Custom orders:

If you need a mabla with non-standard dimensions or you want wooden elements to have a different shade

leave a message in the form, or write to: